Jan 14
Archimedes Wave Swing

Archimedes Wave Swing

Using a variety of innovative technologies, electricity is today being generated, via wave energy, in dozens of locations throughout the world.  Wave energy is pollution-free and entirely, persistently, renewable. It has been estimated that ocean waves are capable of producing between 2,000 and 4,000 gigawatts of electricity, the latter according to UNESCO*.  And, if that isn’t enough, every 15 seconds, or so, here comes another wave! (I like to look at wave energy in this way:  In 2007, seven years into the 21st century, only one wave in every one-hundred-million-billion-gazillion, has ever been harnessed for purposes of electrical production!  As anyone can plainly see, we’ve got quite a waves to go!  Ha!)

Wave Power/Wave Energy (Ocean Surface Wave Energy).

[*] David Ross, now deceased, one of the preeminent authorities in the field, has stated, “Wave energy has been hailed as the most promising renewable source for maritime countries. It does no environmental damage and is inexhaustible – the waves go on forever. It is invariably popular with the public, which has a sentimental love of the sea… The potential resource is vast. It is usually estimated as being of the order of 2,000 gigawatts (GW), though UNESCO has put it at roughly double that amount. But what we need to estimate is how much can be gathered and delivered at an economic price.”
Wikipedia: Biomass

Wikipedia: Wave Power

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written by OceanNRG

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