Today, Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, as millions of Americans and others throughout the world celebrate the inauguration of our Nation’s first African American president, I come away with a renewed sense of optimism, and hope.
There is a renewed excitement today on a great variety of fronts, not the least of which relates to energy and the environment. Ocean-based energy has a better chance than ever to ignite and inspire the collective imagination of our people. The 110th Congress may well have failed to take action, but the 111th just might! Our country’s 43rd President may have done nothing, but this new 44th President of the United States—this upstart “Yes We Can!” President, President Barack Obama—might just take a swing at it. He might just knock it right out of the ballpark! Continue reading »
Global Ocean Wind Energy Potential Wind energy has the potential to provide 10 to 15 percent of the world’s future energy, according to Paul Dimotakis, chief technologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Once windmills are installed, wind can be converted to electricity inexpensively. But not everyone likes wind farms. The giant collection of whirling blades mars scenic views and can kill birds and bats, particularly if located in a high-traffic flyway. To minimize these risks, one solution may be to place wind farms in the ocean. Wind tends to blow stronger over the ocean than over land. The ocean presents a smooth surface over which wind can glide without interruption, while hills, mountains, and forests tend to slow or channel wind over land.
Read the entire article from the National Space Agancy of Ukraine
Most Americans are familiar with the land-based wind energy turbine. Fewer are acquainted with its off-shore cousin. The ocean makes up 73% of the earth’s surface, hence off-shore wind energy potential is enormous—several times again the energy requirement of the entire world. A wind farm is unobtrusive, assuming placement of turbines 10 or 100 miles from shore. One wind farm complex alone—comprised of 250 or 300 wind turbines—can produce as much electricity as is produced annually in a nuclear power plant. Off-shore wind energy is clean and renewable. If implemented on a large scale, it alone could fulfill 100% of the energy requirement of the United States.
(Wind Farm)
What will this look like? If wind turbines are placed 2-3 miles offshore, they would still be very visible because of their size. The picture below is of the UK’s largest offshore wind farm at Scroby Sands, generating power for as many as 41,000 homes.
Alternatively, turbines placed further out to sea would perfrom as effectively, while protecting the valuable appearance from out beloved coastlines.